Covid-19 and Cancer - Publications and abstracts list from taskforce members:

Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Rai S, Mistretta FA, Roberts G, Dickinson H, Russell B, Moss C, De Berardinis R, Ferro M, Musi G, Brown C, Nair R, Thurairaja R, Fernando A, Catchart P, Khan A, Dasgupta P, Malde S, Hadijpavlou M, Dolly S, Haire K, Tagliabue M, de Cobelli O, Challacombe B, Van Hemelrijck M. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Urological Cancers: The surgical experience of two Cancer Hubs in London and Milan. BJUI Compass (2021).


Tremble K, Fox L, Moss C, Russell B, Aljazzaf H, Higgins F, Dann B, Jogia V, Roberts G, Rigg A, Dolly S, Van Hemelrijck M. The impact of hospital attendance on COVID-19 infection in cancer patients: An assessment of data from Guy’s Cancer. Future Oncology (2021).


Russell B, Moss C, Tsotra E, Gousis C, Josephs D, Enting D, Karampera C, Khan M, Roca J, Sita-Lumsden A, Owczarczyk K, Wylie H, Haire A, Smith D, Zaki Z, Swampillai A, Lei M, Manik V, Michalarea V, Kristeleit R, Mera A, Sawyer E, Flanders L, De Francesco I, Papa S, Ross P, Spicer J, Dann B, Jogia V, Shaunak N, Kristeleit H, Rigg A, Montes A, Van Hemelrijck M and Dolly S. The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of systemic anti-cancer treatment at Guy’s Cancer Centre. Cancers (2021).

Murillo R, Fernández-Deaza G, Zuluaga M, Lewison G, Usgame-Zubieta D, Usgame-Zubieta ID, Manrique MM. Cancer research in the time of COVID-19: A Colombian narrative. Frontiers in Public Health 2021; doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.750755.


Teoh SP, Hoo YY, Murillo Rl, Zuluaga M, Tsunoda A, Lombe D, Sullivan R, Bhoo-Pathy N (2022) Contingency planning for cancer care in low- and middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid assessment for future disaster resilience. ecancer (2022) 16 1339

David J. Pinato,  Josep Tabernero,  Mark Bower, Lorenza Scotti, Meera Patel, Emeline Colomba, Saoirse Dolly, Angela Loizidou,  John Chester, Uma Mukherjee, Alberto Zambelli, Alessia Dalla Pria, Juan Aguilar-Company, Diego Ottaviani, Amani Chowdhury, Eve Merry, Ramon Salazar, Alexia Bertuzzi, Joan Brunet, Matteo Lambertini, Marco Tagliamento, Anna Pous, Ailsa Sita-Lumsden, Krishnie Srikandarajah, Johann Colomba, Fanny Pommeret, Elia Seguí, Daniele Generali, Salvatore Grisanti, Paolo Pedrazzoli, Gianpiero Rizzo, Michela Libertini, Charlotte Moss, Joanne S. Evans, Beth Russell, Nadia Harbeck,  Bruno Vincenzi, Federica Biello, Rossella Bertulli, Raquel Liñan, Sabrina Rossi, M. Carmen Carmona-García, Carlo Tondini, Laura Fox33, Alice Baggi, Vittoria Fotia, Alessandro Parisi, Giampero Porzio, Maristella Saponara, Claudia Andrea Cruz, David García-Illescas, Eudald Felip, Ariadna Roqué Lloveras, Rachel Sharkey, Elisa Roldán, Roxana Reyes, Irina Earnshaw, Daniela Ferrante, Javier Marco-Hernández, Isabel Ruiz-Camps, Gianluca Gaidano, Andrea Patriarca, Riccardo Bruna, Anna Sureda, Clara Martinez-Vila, Ana Sanchez de Torre, Luca Cantini, Marco Filetti, Lorenza Rimassa, Lorenzo Chiudinelli, Michela Franchi, Marco Krengli,  Armando Santoro, Aleix Prat,  Mieke Van Hemelrijck, Nikolaos Diamantis, Thomas Newsom-Davis, Alessandra Gennari, Alessio Cortellini on behalf of the OnCovid study group. Prevalence and impact of COVID-19 sequelae on treatment pathways and survival of patients with cancer who recovered from SARS-Cov-2 infection: results from the OnCovid registry. Lancet Oncology (2021).


Fox L, Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Aggarwal A, Haire K, Purushotham A, Spicer J, Papa S, Rigg A, Dolly S, Sullivan R, Van Hemelrijck M. Association between COVID-19 burden and delays to diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients in England. J of Cancer Policy (2021).


Mukherji D, Murillo RH, Van Hemelrijck M, Vanderpuye V, Shamieh O, Torode J, Pramesh CS, Yusuf A, Booth CM, Aggarwal A, Sullivan R; COVID-19 and Cancer Task Force. Global cancer research in the post-pandemic world. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Dec;22(12):1652-1654. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00602-1. PMID: 34856137; PMCID: PMC8629493.


Fox L, Beyer K, Rammant E, Morcom E, Van Hemelrijck M, Sullivan R, Vanderpuye V, Lombe D, Tsunoda AT, Kutluk T, Bhoo-Pathy N, Pramesh SC, Yusuf A, Booth CM, Shamieh O, Siesling S, Mukherji D. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Researchers in 2020: A Qualitative Study of Events to Inform Mitigation Strategies. Front Public Health. 2021 Nov 24;9:741223. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.741223. PMID: 34966713; PMCID: PMC8711079.


OnCovid Study Group, Pinato DJ, Patel M, Scotti L, Colomba E, Dolly S, Loizidou A, Chester J, Mukherjee U, Zambelli A, Dalla Pria A, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Salazar R, Bertuzzi A, Brunet J, Lambertini M, Tagliamento M, Pous A, Sita-Lumsden A, Srikandarajah K, Colomba J, Pommeret F, Seguí E, Generali D, Grisanti S, Pedrazzoli P, Rizzo G, Libertini M, Moss C, Evans JS, Russell B, Harbeck N, Vincenzi B, Biello F, Bertulli R, Ottaviani D, Liñan R, Rossi S, Carmona-García MC, Tondini C, Fox L, Baggi A, Fotia V, Parisi A, Porzio G, Queirolo P, Cruz CA, Saoudi-Gonzalez N, Felip E, Roqué Lloveras A, Newsom-Davis T, Sharkey R, Roldán E, Reyes R, Zoratto F, Earnshaw I, Ferrante D, Marco-Hernández J, Ruiz-Camps I, Gaidano G, Patriarca A, Bruna R, Sureda A, Martinez-Vila C, Sanchez de Torre A, Berardi R, Giusti R, Mazzoni F, Guida A, Rimassa L, Chiudinelli L, Franchi M, Krengli M, Santoro A, Prat A, Tabernero J, Van Hemelrijck M, Diamantis N, Gennari A, Cortellini A. Time-dependent COVID-19 mortality in patients with cancer: an updated analysis of the OnCovid Registry. JAMA Oncol (2021).


Garrigós L, Saura C, Martinez-Vila C, Zambelli A, Bower M, Pistilli B, Lambertini M, Ottaviani D, Diamantis N, Lumsden A, Pernas S, Generali D, Seguí E, Viñas G, Felip E, Sanchez A, Rizzo G, Santoro A, Cortellini A, Perone Y, Chester J, Iglesias M, Betti M, Vincenzi B, Libertini M, Mazzoni F, Zoratto F, Berardi R, Guida A, Wuerstlein R, Loizidou A, Sharkey R, Aguilar Company J, Matas M, Saggia C, Chiudinelli L, Colomba-Blameble E, Galazi M, Mukherjee U, Van Hemelrijck M, Marin M, Strina C, Prat A, Pla H, Ciruelos EM, Bertuzzi A, Del Mastro L, Porzio G, Newsom-Davis T, Ruiz I, Delany MB, Krengli M, Fotia V, Viansone A, Chopra N, Romeo M, Salazar R, Perez I, d'Avanzo F, Franchi M, Milani M, Pommeret F, Tucci M, Pedrazzoli P, Harbeck N, Ferrante D, Pinato DJ, Gennari A. COVID-19 in breast cancer patients: a subanalysis of the OnCovid registry. Ther Adv Med Oncol (2021).


Shehryar Nasir Khawaja, Hussain Ahmed Qadri, and Muhammed Aasim Yusuf. Cancer Hospital Stockpiles: Strategizing for an Efficient and Sufficient Inventory List of Essential Items. JCO Global Oncology 2021 :7, 1490-1499

Chehade Laudy, Zeitoun Jad, Bejjany Rachelle, Charafeddine Maya, Kreidieh Firas, Hassan Mona, Taher Ali, El Saghir Nagi, Shamseddine Ali, Salem Ziad, Temraz Sally, Tfayli Arafat, Assi Hazem, Bazarbachi Ali, El Cheikh Jean, Abou Dalle Iman, Rizk Nesrine, Mahfouz Rami, Mukherji Deborah (2021) COVID-19 vaccination immune response in patients with solid organ and haematologic malignancies: call for active monitoring. ecancer (2021) 15 1284


Soosaipillai G, Wu A, Dettorre GM, Diamantis N, Chester J, Moss C, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Sng CC, Salazar R, Brunet J, Jones E, Mesia R, Jackson A, Mukherjee U, Sita-Lumsden A, Seguí E, Ottaviani D, Carbó A, Benafif S, Würstlein R, Carmona C, Chopra N, Cruz CA, Swallow J, Saoudi N, Felip E, Galazi M, Garcia-Fructuoso I, Lee AJX, Newsom-Davis T, Wong YNS, Sureda A, Maluquer C, Ruiz-Camps I, Cabirta A, Prat A, Loizidou A, Gennari A, Ferrante D, Tabernero J, Russell B, Van Hemelrijck M, Dolly S, Hulbert-Williams NJ, Pinato DJ.  Specialist palliative and end-of-life care for patients with cancer and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a European perspective. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology (2021).


Russell B, Moss C, Shah V, Ko Ko t, Palmer K, Sylva R, George G, Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Patten P, Ceesay MM, Benamin R, Potter V, Pagliuca A, Papa S, Irshad S, Ross P, Spicer J, Korsasti S, Crawley D, Wylie H, Cahill F, Haire A, Zaki K, Sita-Lumsden A, Josephs D, Enting D, Swampillai A, Sawyer E, D’Souza A, Gomberg S, Harrison C, Fields P, Wrench D, Rigg A, Sullivan R, Kulasekaraj A, Dolly S, Van Hemelrijck M, on behalf of Guy’s Cancer Real World Evidence. Risk of COVID-19 death in cancer patients: an analysis from Guy’s Cancer Centre and King’s College Hospital in London. Br J Cancer (2021).


Teoh SP, et al. Proposal for development of a guideline in maintaining quality cancer care during and post-covid-19 in an upper middle-income country with universal health coverage. J Cancer Policy 2021;30:100300.

Chung Pui So A, McGrath H, ting J, Srikandarajah K, Germanou S, Moss C, Russell B, Monroy-Iglesias M, Dolly S, Irshad S, Van Hemelrijck M, Enting D. COVID-19 Vaccine safety in cancer patients: A single centre experience. Cancers (2021).


Van Hemelrijck Mieke, Lewison Grant, Fox Louis, Vanderpuye Verna DNK, Murillo Raúl, Booth Chris M, Canfell Karen, Pramesh CS, Sulivan Richard, Mukherij Deborah (2021) Global cancer research in the era of COVID-19: a bibliometric analysis. ecancer (2021) 15 1264


Pinato DJ, Scotti L, Gennari A, Coloomba-Blameble E, Dolly S, Loizidou A, Chester J, Mukherjee U, Zambelli A, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Galazi M, Salazar R, Bertuzzi A, Brunet J, Mesia R, Sita-Lumsden A, Colomba J, Pommeret F, Segui E, Biello F, Generali D, Grisanti S, Rizzo G, Libertinin M, Moss C, Evans JS, Russell B, Wuerstlein R, Vincenzi B, Bertulli r, Ottaviani D, Linan R, Marrari A, Carmona-Garcia C, Sng CCT, Tondini C, Mirallas O, Tovazzi V, Fotia V, Curz CA, Saoidi-Gonzalez N, Felip E, Lloveras AR, Lee, AJX, Newsom-Davis T, Sharkey R, Chung C, Garica-Illescas D, Reyes R, Wong YNS, Ferrante D, Marco-Hernandez J, Ruiz-Camps I, Gaidano G, Patriarca A, Sureda A, Martinez-Vila C, Snchez de Toerre A, RimassaL, Ghiudinelli L, Franchi M, Krengli M, Santoro A, Prat A, Tabernero J, Van Hemelrijck M, Diamantis N, Cortellini A, on behalf of the OnCovid suty group. Determinants of enhance vulnerability to COVID-19 in UK cancer patients: a European study. Eur J Cancer (2021).


Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Tagliabue M, Dickinson H, Roberts G, De Beraradinis R, Russell B, Moss C, Irwin S, Olsburgh J, Urvashi J, Cocco F, Schizas A, McCrindle S, Nath R, Brunet A, Simon R, Ronari C, Srinibasan P, Prachalias A, Davies A, Geh J, Fraser S, Routledge T, Ma R, Doerge E, Challacombe B, Nair R, Hadjipavlou M, Scarpinatao R, Sorelli S, Dolly S, Mistretta FA, Musi G, Casiraghi M, Alessia A, Dell’Acqua A, Scaglione D, Zanoni S, Da Silva DR, Brambilla D, Bertolotti R, Peruzzotti G, Maggioni A, de Cobelli O, Spaggiari L, Ansarin M, Mastrilli F, Gandini s, Ahmed H, Haire K, Van Hemelrijck M. Continuity of Cancer Care: The Surgical Experience of Two Large Cancer Hubs in London and Milan. Cancers (2021).


Lombe Dorothy, Sullivan Richard, Caduff Carlo, Ali Zipporah, Bhoo-Pathy Nirmala, Cleary Jim, Jalink Matt, Matsuda Tomohiro, Mukherji Deborah, Sarfati Diana, Vanderpuye Verna, Yusuf Aasim, Booth Cristopher (2021) Silver linings: a qualitative study of desirable changes to cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic. ecancer (2021) 15 1202


Grossheim L, Ruff P, Ngoma T, Vanderpuye V, Mwango G, Ochieng P, Palmer D, Kouya F, Lasebikan N, Ntekim A, Ngoma M. Cancer and COVID-19 Experiences at African Cancer Centers: The Silver Lining. JCO Global Oncology. 2021 Mar;7(1):410-5.

Martei YM, Rick TJ, Fadelu T, Ezzi MS, Hammad N, Quadri NS, Rodrigues B, Simonds H, Grover S, Incrocci L, Vanderpuye V. Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Care Delivery in Africa: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Oncology Providers in Africa. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 Mar;7:368-377. doi: 10.1200/GO.20.00569. PMID: 33689484; PMCID: PMC8081536.


Detorre G, Dolly S, Loizidou A, Chester J, Jackson A, Mukherjee U, Zumbelli A, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Sng CCT, Salazar R, Bertuzzi A, Brunet J, Mesia R, Sita-Lumsden A, Sequi E, Biello F, Generali D, Gristanti S, Seeva P, Rizzo G, Libertini M, Maconi A, Moss C, Russel B, Harbeck N, Vincenzi B, Bertulli R, Ottaviani D, Linan R, Marrari A, Carmona-Garia MC, Chopra N, Tondini C, Mirallas O, Tovazzi V, Fotia V, Cruz CA, Saoid-Gonzalez N, Felip E, Roque A, Lee AJX, Newon-Davis T, Garcia-Illesas D, Reyes R, Wong YNS, Ferrante D, Scotti L, Marco-Hernandez J, Ruiz-Camps I, Patriarca A, Rimassa L, Chiudinelli :, Franchi M, Snatoro A, Prat A, Tabernero J, Gennari A, Van Hemelrijck M, Diamantis N, Pinato DJ, on behalf of the OnCovid study group. Systemic pro-inflammatory response identifies cancer patients with adverse outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection.  Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2021).


Abdul-Jawad W, Bau L, Alaguthurai T, del Molino del Barrio I, Laing AG, Hayday TS, Monin L, Munoz-Ruiz M, McDonald L, Quijorna IA, McKienzie D, Davis R, Lorenc A, Nuo En Chan J, Ryan S, Bugallo-Blanco E, Kamdar S, Fish M, Zlatareva I, Vantourout P, Jennins A, Gee S, Doores K, Bailey K, Hazell S, DeNaurois J, Khan AA, Rowley M, Benjamin R, Enting D, Wu Y, Zhou Y, Barber P, Ng T, Spicer J, Van Hemelrijck M, Kumar M, Vidler J, Lwin Y, Fields P, Karagiannis SN, Coolen ACC, Rigg A, Papa S, Hayday AD, Patten PEM, Irshad S, Acute immunological signatures and their legacies in SARCS-CoV-2infected cancer patients. Cancer Cell (2021).

Yurduşen S., Aydın B., Ahmed F., Boufkhed S., Harding R., Kutluk T. The Experiences of Adolescents with Cancer during the COVID-19 Pan- demic in Turkey. 17th World Congress of the European association for palliative care (EAPC 2021), Online. 6 – 8 October 2021. Palliative Medicine 35(1S):220,2021


Ranganathan P, Sengar M, Chinnaswamy G, Agrawal G, Arumugham R, Bhatt R, et al on behalf of the National Cancer Grid. Impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in India: a cohort study. Lancet Oncol 2021; S1470-2045(21)00240-0


Pramesh CS, Babu GR, Basu J, Bhushan I, Booth CM, Chinnaswamy G, et al. Choosing Wisely for COVID-19: Ten evidence-based recommendations for patients and physicians. Nature Medicine 2021 (In press)


Kuppalli K, Gala P, Cherabuddi K, Kalantri SP, Mohanan M, Mukherjee B, Pinto L, Prakash M, Pramesh CS, Rathi S, Pant Pai N, Yamey G, Pai M. India’s COVID-19 crisis: a call for international action. Lancet 2021; 397: 2132-35


COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. Br J Surg. 2021 Mar 24:znab101. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znab101. Epub ahead of print.


COVIDSurg Collaborative; GlobalSurg Collaborative. Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021; 76: 748-758.


Thiagarajan S, Shetty P, Gulia A, Prakash G, Pramesh CS, Puri A. A Survey of Personnel Protective equipment's (PPE) Use and Comfort Levels Among Surgeons During Routine Cancer Surgery in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2021 Mar 26:1-9. doi: 10.1007/s13193-021-01316-6. Epub ahead of print.


Millar E, Gurney J, Beuker S, Doocey, R, Goza M, Hamilton M, Hardie C, Jackson CGCA, Mako M, Middlemiss T, North R, Ruka M, Willis N, Sarfati D. Maintaining cancer services during the COVID-19 pandemic: the New Zealand experienceLancet Regional Health – Western Pacific (2021)


Gurney JG, Millar E, Dunn A, Pirie R, Mako M, Manderson J, Hardie C, Jackson C, North R, Ruka M, Scott N, Sarfati D. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer diagnosis and service access in New Zealand; a country pursuing COVID-19 elimination. Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific (2021)


Alam W, Bouferraa Y, Haibe Y, Mukherji D, Shamseddine A. Management of colorectal cancer in the era of COVID-19: Challenges and suggestions. Sci Prog. (2021)


Guo P, Chukwusa E, Asad M, Nimri O, Arqoub K, Alajarmeh S, Mansour A, Sullivan R, Shamieh O, Harding R. Changing Mortality and Place of Death in Response to Refugee Influx: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Jordan, 2005-2016. J Palliat Med (2021)


Guo P, Alajarmeh S, Alarja G, Alrjoub W, Al-Essa A, Abusalem L, Mansour A, Sullivan R, Shamieh O, Harding R. Compounded trauma: A qualitative study of the challenges for refugees living with advanced cancer. Palliat Med (2021)


Russell B, Moss CL, Palmer K, Sylva R, D'Souza A, Wylie H, Haire A, Cahill F, Steel R, Hoyes A, Wilson I, Macneil A, Shifa B, Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Papa S, Irshad S, Ross P, Spicer J, Kordasti S, Crawley D, Zaki K, Sita-Lumsden A, Josephs D, Enting D, Swampillai A, Sawyer E, Fields P, Wrench D, Rigg A, Sullivan R, Van Hemelrijck M, Dolly S. COVID-19 Risk Factors for Cancer Patients: A First Report with Comparator Data from COVID-19 Negative Cancer Patients. Cancers (Basel) (2021)


Sultan H, Mansour R, Shamieh O, Al-Tabba' A, Al-Hussaini M. DNR and COVID-19: The Ethical Dilemma and Suggested Solutions. Front Public Health (2021)


Basu P, Lucas E, Zhang L, Muwonge R, Murillo R, Nessa A. Leveraging vertical COVID-19 investments to improve monitoring of cancer screening programme – a case study from Bangladesh. Prev Med (2021)


Louis Fox, Verna Vanderpuye, Richard Sullivan, Mieke Van Hemelrijck and Deborah Mukherji. A global snapshot of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer research: Report from a Global Cancer and COVID-19 Task Force. Clin Cancer Res (2021)


Tagliabue M, Russell B, Moss C, De Berardinis R, Chu F, Jeannon JP, Pietrobon G, Haire A, Grosso E, Wylie H, Zorzi S, Proh M, Brunet-Garcia A, Cattaneo A, Oakley R, De Benedetto L, Arora A, Riccio S, Fry A, Bruschini R, Townley W, Giugliano G, Orfaniotis G, Madini M, Dolly S, Borghi E, Aprile D, Zurlo V, Bibiano D, Mastrilli F, Chiocca S, Van Hemelrijck M, Gandini S, Simo R, Ansarin M. Outcomes of head and neck cancer management from two cancer centres in Southern and Northern Europe during the first wave of COVID-19. Tumori (2021)


Abbas S, Raza A, Iftikhar A, Khan A, Khan S, Yusuf MA. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among Health Care Personnel at a Health Care System in Pakistan. Asia Pac J Public Health (2021)


Monroy-Iglesias MJ, Tagliabue M, Dickinson H, Roberts G, De Berardinis R, Russell B, Moss C, Irwin S, Olsburgh J, Cocco IMF, Schizas A, McCrindle S, Nath R, Brunet A, Simo R, Tornari C, Srinivasan P, Prachalias A, Davies A, Geh J, Fraser S, Routledge T, Ma R, Doerge E, Challacombe B, Nair R, Hadjipavlou M, Scarpinata R, Sorelli P, Dolly S, Mistretta FA, Musi G, Casiraghi M, Aloisi A, Dell'Acqua A, Scaglione D, Zanoni S, Rampazio Da Silva D, Brambilla D, Bertolotti R, Peruzzotti G, Maggioni A, de Cobelli O, Spaggiari L, Ansarin M, Mastrilli F, Gandini S, Jain U, Hamed H, Haire K, Van Hemelrijck M. Continuity of Cancer Care: The Surgical Experience of Two Large Cancer Hubs in London and Milan. Cancers (Basel) (2021)


Dettorre GM, Dolly S, Loizidou A, Chester J, Jackson A, Mukherjee U, Zambelli A, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Sng CCT, Salazar R, Bertuzzi A, Brunet J, Mesia R, Sita-Lumsden A, Seguí E, Biello F, Generali D, Grisanti S, Seeva P, Rizzo G, Libertini M, Maconi A, Moss C, Russell B, Harbeck N, Vincenzi B, Bertulli R, Ottaviani D, Liñan R, Marrari A, Carmona-García MC, Chopra N, Tondini CA, Mirallas O, Tovazzi V, Fotia V, Cruz CA, Saoudi-Gonzalez N, Felip E, Roqué A, Lee AJX, Newsom-Davis T, García-Illescas D, Reyes R, Wong YNS, Ferrante D, Scotti L, Marco-Hernández J, Ruiz-Camps I, Patriarca A, Rimassa L, Chiudinelli L, Franchi M, Santoro A, Prat A, Gennari A, Van Hemelrijck M, Tabernero J, Diamantis N, Pinato DJ. Systemic pro-inflammatory response identifies patients with cancer with adverse outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection: the OnCovid Inflammatory Score. J Immunother Cancer (2021)


Abdul-Jawad S, Baù L, Alaguthurai T, Del Molino Del Barrio I, Laing AG, Hayday TS, Monin L, Muñoz-Ruiz M, McDonald L, Francos Quijorna I, McKenzie D, Davis R, Lorenc A, Chan JNE, Ryan S, Bugallo-Blanco E, Yorke R, Kamdar S, Fish M, Zlatareva I, Vantourout P, Jennings A, Gee S, Doores K, Bailey K, Hazell S, De Naurois J, Moss C, Russell B, Khan AA, Rowley M, Benjamin R, Enting D, Alrifai D, Wu Y, Zhou Y, Barber P, Ng T, Spicer J, Van Hemelrijck M, Kumar M, Vidler J, Lwin Y, Fields P, Karagiannis SN, Coolen ACC, Rigg A, Papa S, Hayday AC, Patten PEM, Irshad S. Acute Immune Signatures and Their Legacies in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Infected Cancer Patients. Cancer Cell (2021)


Pramesh CS, Badwe RA. Cancer management in India during COVID-19. N Engl J Med 2020; 382: e61.


Prakash G, Shetty P, Thiagarajan S, Gulia A, Pandrowala S, Singh L, Thorat V, Patil V, Divatia JV, Puri A, Pramesh CS. Compliance and perception about personal protective equipment among health care workers involved in the surgery of COVID-19 negative cancer patients during the pandemic [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 3]. J Surg Oncol. 2020;10.1002/jso.26151. doi:10.1002/jso.26151


The Tata Memorial Centre COVID-19 Working Group. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Tata Memorial Centre response. Ind J Cancer 2020; 57: 123-8


Shrikhande SV, Pai PS, Bhandare MS, Bakshi G, Chaukar DA, Chaturvedi P, Goel M, Gulia A, Qureshi SS, Maheshwari A, Moiyadi A, Nair S, Nair NS, Karimundackal G, Saklani AP, Shankhadhar VK, Parmar V, Divatia JV, Pramesh CS, Puri A, Badwe RA; all collaborators from Department of Surgical Oncology. Outcomes of Elective Major Cancer Surgery During COVID 19 at Tata Memorial Centre: Implications for Cancer Care PolicyAnn Surg 2020; 272: e249-52


Kugbey N, Ohene-Oti N, Vanderpuye V. COVID-19 and its ramifications for cancer patients in low-resource settings: Ghana as a case study. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020 Apr 20;14:ed99. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2020.ed99. PMID: 32346393; PMCID: PMC7176065.


Santaolalla A, Beckmann K, Kibaru J, Josephs D, Van Hemelrijck M, Irshad S. Association Between Vitamin D and Novel SARS-CoV-2 Respiratory Dysfunction - A Scoping Review of Current Evidence and Its Implication for COVID-19 Pandemic. Front Physiol (2020)


Yaman Bajin İ, Kutluk T. COVID-19 Outbreak & Pediatric Cancers. Türkiye Klinikleri (2020)


Sleeman KE, Gomes B, de Brito M, Shamieh O, Harding R. The burden of serious health-related suffering among cancer decedents: Global projections study to 2060. Palliat Med (2021)


Russell B, Moss C, George G, Santaolalla A, Cope A, Papa S, Van Hemelrijck M. Associations between immune-suppressive and stimulating drugs and novel COVID-19-a systematic review of current evidence. ecancer (2020) 14 1022


Arbyn M, Bruni L, Kelly D, et al. Tackling cervical cancer in Europe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic [published correction appears in Lancet Public Health. Lancet Public Health (2020)


Eijkelboom, A.H., de Munck, L., Vrancken Peeters, MJ.T.F.D. et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diagnosis, stage, and initial treatment of breast cancer in the Netherlands: a population-based study. J Hematol Oncol 14, 64 (2021).


Yusuf A, Sarfati A, Booth CM, Pramesh CS, Lombe D, Aggarwal A,  Bhoo-Pathy N, Tsunoda A, Vanderpuye V, Kutluk T, Sullivan A, Mukherji D, Mutebi M, van Hemelrijck M, Sullivan R; on behalf of the COVID-19 and Cancer Global Taskforce. Cancer and Covid-19 vaccines: a complex global picture. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Apr 27.


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